Above the call of the
fruit and vegetable vendors and the
cries of the Brusle bakers selling
their daily wares could be
heard the disconcerting yammering of a
child that was not of this world!
Today, above the modern
din of honky tonks and partying crowds,
it is said the unearthly, chilling cries
still pierce the dark night!
In the early days of
Marie Laveau’s rise to fame her
clientele consisted mainly of Negroes,
country folk and other free people of
color whose long association with the
practices of Vodusi and rootworkers made
her a natural attraction to them.
But at the height of her
power, when her mystique was talked
about constantly in the salons of the
rich Creoles and whitebread Americans,
Marie Laveau began to receive visits
from the upper crust of society. And it
was her service to this sector that
embroiled her in one of the greatest
legends of Old New Orleans: the Devil
Baby of Bourbon Street.
Mam’selle Laveau was
often called to the ornate mansion on
Dauphine Street to delight and amuse the
doyenne of the famous Creole family who
lived there and all her idle and very
wealthy friends. The Voodoo Queen had
been referred to the ladies by a woman
of the highest social standing in the
city, none other than Madame Delphine
LaLaurie. The family was a well-known,
old line New Orleans family who had
risen to prominence through their
dealings with the wealthy Americans who
lived on the Uptown side of Canal
The Creole family of
Dauphine Street had a beautiful daughter
named Camille and according to legend,
when Camille came of age she had many
suitors. To her great disappointment,
however, all of them were Creole. To
most young women of her station, this
would be a fabulous dilemma; but for
Camille, it was truly disheartening. All
her life she had been envious of the
wealth and station of the Americans, of
their fabulous homes built in the
Northern style, and of their immutable
business dealings, all of which ended in
profit that the Americans did not
hesitate to flaunt.
In her few visits to the
American quarter, Camille befriended the
daughter of an American family,
Josephine Brody, who often invited
Camille to her home for tea and other
activities. It was on one of these
outings that Camille, it is said, met
the man who would change her life
forever and gain her a place in Haunted
New Orleans history.
Mackenzie Bowes was a
Scotsman by birth, though his history
and how he had obtained his considerable
fortune were obscure. He never made much
comment on it and the shallow Americans
in whose circles he moved with such ease
were satisfied to know that he was
“obscenely wealthy” and that the money
was “very old,” coming down from old
Scottish Lairds and some very lucrative
family connections. He had arrived upon
the steps of the Brody home in the
company of August Brody, the eldest son,
whom he had accompanied from
He was looking for a place to settle
down, the Brodies were told, and New
Orleans seemed just the place for a man
like Mackenzie Bowes.
From the moment she laid
eyes on the dark, handsome Scotsman,
Camille was smitten and she began to
look for every opportunity to spend more
and more time with the Brodies and their
Scottish houseguest. It greatly pleased
Josephine and her family when Bowes
began to return Camille’s interest with
an immediate attentiveness and devotion.
Camille’s parents, who also became
regular houseguests of the American
Brodies, encouraged the romance, hoping
for a fine union for their daughter.
But not all were so
delighted. In scorning her Creole
suitors, Camille had mostly embarrassed
them and wounded their pride; nearly all
turned their attentions to other sultry
Creole daughters. Nearly all, that is,
except Etienne Lafossat Matthieu.
It did not please him at
all that he had been set aside by
Camille like a plaything that had
outlasted her attention. As Camille’s
romance and her stature among the
Americans grew, it was clear to all,
including Etienne, that marriage was
imminent. When Bowes threw off his
Presbyterian faith and converted to
Catholicism, marriage was certain, and
shortly after the bans were announced in
St. Louis Cathedral.
All this while, Marie
Laveau had watched with interest and she
was not surprised in the least when
Matthieu came to her cottage on St. Ann
imploring her aid. He wanted Camille
back, he said at first, but when the
Voodoo Queen shook her head and assured
him it could not be so, then Matthieu
ground his fist into the table and
pronounced: “Then I want her dead!”
To his surprise,
Mam’selle Laveau laughed at his request.
“You cannot know what you ask, boy,” she
said in her heavy Creole French. “You
will pay dearly for me to take her life.
Are you ready for this?”
Matthieu thought it
through as quickly as his fevered mind
could. “Then make her suffer, like she
has made me suffer. She goes to the
Americans to make a spectacle of
herself: make a spectacle of her for all
to see.”
Marie Laveau spat upon
the ground and stamped the spot with her
feet. “So let it be,” she said, then set
about instructing Matthieu on all the
things she would need to make a fetish
and to effect a good curse.
“Bring these to me within
a week,” she told him, “and be patient
after that. You will see the Scotsman
ruined and Camille suffer as you have
asked. Now, go!”
On a bright October
morning Camille became the bride of the
dark, mysterious Scotsman in the halls
of the great St. Louis Cathedral. All
the high society of New Orleans, from
both quarters, attended the fabulous
wedding and the celebration at the
family home afterward.

In the dark of her
cupboard on St. Ann Street, Marie Laveau
worked her charm. It would be months in
coming, but Etienne Matthieu would have
his revenge, and would regret the day he
asked it.
When Camille and
Mackenzie returned from their wedding
trip the new bride was already pregnant.
Beaming with delight, the handsome
couple settled down in a townhome on the
Rue Bourbon, not far from the French
Market. While her husband went about his
affairs in the day, Camille spent hours
planning the nursery that would receive
her child. Nothing could dim her
enthusiasm or quell her excitement –
except on one occasion when she happened
upon Etienne Matthieu in the market. His
scowl was so dark and intense that
Camille thought she would faint and her
mother, who was with her, called for the
carriage to take her home.
Soon, however, the shadow
passed. Or so it seemed.
Camille’s mother,
Adelaide, began to become restless in
her sleep. Never one to be plagued by
sleeplessness or dreams, she began to
have vivid nightmares that would wake
her in the middle of the night;
afterward, she would be so unnerved that
she found it impossible to go back to
sleep. She tried desperately to keep her
troubles from Camille, not wanting to
intrude upon the young woman’s joy, but
one day the daughter confronted her.
When Adelaide told Camille about her
dreams and fitful sleep, the young
mother-to-be was disturbed.
“My husband is having
dreams as well,” she told her mother.
“He wakes suddenly in the night, calling
for me, but he will not tell me what he
has dreamed, or why he cannot sleep
This greatly troubled
Adelaide and when she had departed from
Camille she spied a beautiful mullatress
selling fish beside the road and this
immediately put her in mind of Mam’selle
Laveau. As soon as she arrived home,
Adelaide sent out a servant with a
message for Marie Laveau.
Within a half hour, the
servant returned and announced that
Mam’selle Laveau was waiting to be
admitted. Adelaide went to the door
herself and quickly brought Marie into
the house. For what seemed like an
eternity the two were closeted together
in the Creole parlor while Adelaide
poured out her concerns and told Marie
every detail of her troubling dreams.
When she added that Camille’s husband
was having nightmares too, a glimmer
passed Marie’s dark eyes.
“I believe the child to
be in the greatest danger,” Mam’selle
Laveau finally pronounced. “This is what
the ancestors are telling me. When
Camille is confined and the time of her
delivery comes, I alone should be called
to midwife her. Otherwise, I fear there
will be a great evil laid upon this
child. The problem is with the husband,
you know.”
This troubled Adelaide
greatly and she could not understand the
meaning of it, but assured by the Voodoo
Queen that all would be well so long as
she alone might bring the baby, Adelaide
put aside her fears. She watched as her
carriage clattered away down the
cobblestoned streets of New Orleans,
taking the mighty Mam’selle home to
await the call.
Mackenzie Bowes was
always a dark and mysterious man and
much about his past he kept to himself.
The most that Camille had been able to
wrest from him was his connection to a
family of Scottish lords called
Strathmore. She learned that he was in
line to inherit a title and possibly a
castle, “But several male heirs before
me would have to meet untimely ends!” he
had said with a wink. So they would not
be Lord and Lady of anything, thought
Camille, but still, the idea of her
child sharing in this noble bloodline
was almost intoxicating.
Camille went to great
expense in making the nursery a fitting
place to receive such a child, and this
to the great consternation of her
husband, who it seemed wanted to
distance himself from his Scottish past.
One day, while looking
through a Gazetteer, Camille came across
a story about the Earls of Strathmore
and the gloomy Scottish castle they
called home. It was a cursed place, or
so the article said, and had been
associated for ages with the darkest
form of malign arts. “Glamis,” it read,
“is purported to have locked within it’s
walls the Devil himself!”
This disturbed Camille
somewhat, for combined with the dreams
and fitfulness of her husband and
mother, this seemed to her an omen of
some sort. She began to wonder, but soon
all thoughts would turn to her delivery:
her first labor pains began, and she
entered her confinement.
Dutifully, Adelaide sent
for Marie Laveau.
Camille’s labor was long
and arduous but the patient Marie did
not once leave her side. She would sooth
her through her pains and pat her head
with a cool towel. Sometimes she would
talk in a sing-song to her using the
strange French patois of the island
Kreyola. And it seemed that Camille’s
pangs were having a strange effect on
Mackenzie as well, for as the pains
increased and the delivery neared,
Mackenzie became more and more agitated
and nervous.
He insisted upon being in
the room, but Marie Laveau was not one
to be bullied and no sooner did he step
inside than he was put out again. The
Scotsman fidgeted as the time neared and
would not be comforted. At last, unable
to bear it, his mind seemed to
completely collapse, and he ran from the
home into the dark night.
Camille suffered greatly
from the labor and mercifully passed
into unconsciousness before death came
for her. Her grieving family was
inconsolable when Mam’selle Laveau told
them that Camille could not be saved,
but that the child had survived.
Now the Voodoo Queen
looked at them and told them to be
prepared. “There is a curse upon this
child and it has nothing to do with your
poor girl,” she said. “This is the work
of years of malice and someone who hated
this child enough to bring the devil out
of hell to curse it.”
Then Marie Laveau
revealed to the family the bundle laying
in her arms. All present gasped in
horror, including the family priest who
had arrived in time to perform the last
rites over Camille’s stiffening body. In
the arms of the Voodoo woman was not a
plump and blushing human baby, but a
grotesque and lurid imitation, a horror,
a curse.
Wails filled the room
when the thing was exposed and all could
see that where light tufts of hair
should be were two lumps – the early
roots of horns to come. Where little
hands and feet should have been were the
claws of some wild animal, like a possum
or a raccoon. There were scales upon its
body, though its genitals were perfectly
formed and all could see it was a boy.
But it was the eyes, the horrible,
leering hell-like eyes that caused
Adelaide to faint in despair and
Camille’s poor father to turn his back.
“Take it!” he said to
“But Monsieur!” said the
wily Vodusi. “What of his father!”
“IT’S father has
thankfully gone mad! He was taken in by
the Ursulines just an hour ago, ranting
and foaming at the mouth. He is quite
beyond our help!” came the heartless
reply. “This is the curse of his family,
NOT ours!”
“As you wish,” said Marie
Laveau, as she bundled the little infant
to her. A barely perceptible smile
crossed her full lips as she passed out
into the humid New Orleans night and
made her way toward St. Ann Street.
But suddenly out of the
shadows came the hunching form of
Etienne Matthieu. Marie Laveau stopped
suddenly but was not moved by the sight
she saw: Etienne’s own curse had come
home to roost and he was hideously
deformed. Where once a handsome Creole
man had been, there was now only the
bent and broken form of a cripple. His
face was so contorted that Marie knew no
one save she alone could stand to look
upon it.
“What have you done to
me!” Etienne cried and lunged for Marie
The Voodoo Queen held up
a hand. “Stop!” she said in a commanding
voice. “You are marked for all to see,
Etienne, for Camille has died because of
your hatred. Now you may be testament to
her life. Go away, and do not show your
face to me again. It offends me!” With
that, Marie Laveau passed into the
night, and Etienne passed into
A thought came to the
Voodoo Queen and she turned quickly on
her heel, making her way to Royal Street
and the familiar doorway of another
infamous woman, Madame LaLaurie.
After the servants had
let her inside, Marie was greeted in the
crimson parlor of the fabulous LaLaurie
home. When Marie had told her tale and
shown the baby to Madame LaLaurie, the
parlor rang with their laughter at what
fools humans are to tamper with the will
of the gods.
“But he must be
baptized!” Madame said. “I know a priest
who will do it right away! And I will
stand for this child! It needs a
godmother, after all!”
That is
the history of the Devil Baby, but the
story does not end there.
It is said that Marie Laveau and Madame
LaLaurie shared the care of the unwanted
child between them. Sometimes the child
would be kept with Marie at her home on
St. Ann; other times, Madame played host
to it, and, it is said, she even had a
nursery made for it on the second floor
of her home.
Servants and slaves who caught glimpses
of the baby began to whisper tales back
and forth; when any came to the ears of
either woman, the reaction was brutal
and quick. Most of the gossips said that
Marie and Madame used the baby to call
to its true father, the Devil himself.
But no one had any proof, and no one
wanted to get close enough for it.
When Madame LaLaurie was chased from New
Orleans after a fire in her home led to
the discovery of horribly mutilated,
tortured and dead slaves, the care of
the “Devil Baby” fell to Marie – a duty
she is said to have shared with her
eldest children.
For a few years, the fact that such a
monstrous being was kept in the heart of
the French Quarter was the subject of
continuous gossip. The pitiful and
chilling wails were not of this earth,
and whenever the rain would fall, it
seemed, the baby would moan and howl
incessantly, to the great disturbance of
French Quarter residents.
One rainy day, however, there were no
howls and shortly afterward the Laveau
family was seen, all dressed in black,
gathered in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1,
where they were laying someone, or
something to rest.
Could it have been the Devil Baby? Most
people assumed this to be the case.
But if Marie Laveau buried the Devil
Baby back in the 1800’s, then what’s
howling and terrorizing tourists and
locals alike all along Bourbon Street to
this day?
The Devil Baby's Ghost Story is one of
New Orleans' local urban legends.
The story is a compilation of oral
traditions passed down throughout New
Orleans over the generations.
2010-2013 Alyne Pustanio, All rights
reserved worldwide.